1. General Information

Delivery time frame is 1 to 3 weeks from the time of order. If there is enough room for us to unload the container and the road permits we can get you a container no matter where you are located. We use pickup trucks and roll-off trailers to transport and unload these steel boxes.

2. Site preparation

To ensure delivery is possible at your location please make sure there are no tight turns, the ground is solid (so the driver avoids getting stuck) and leveled – particularly the area where the container will be placed so you have no problems opening the doors of the container.

To be able to successfully unload a container we need at least 10ft wide clearance, 15ft height clearance and at least 100ft in straight lane.

3. Delivery time

During the day of delivery, our driver will get in touch with you to provide an ETA after he is loaded the container and departs from the depot. You or someone you assign needs to be on site to indicate to the driver where the container needs to be placed and to sign the papers confirming delivery of the container.

4. Delivery costs

Shipping costs vary from place to place but generally they are around $500 within 100 miles or $5/mile after 100 miles.

5. Questions

If you have any questions about the delivery or your order please contact us at

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